It's been a little while since a meaningful update (or really any at all)- a new semester has, for better or worse, crept up on me, and I've been embroiled in all that comes with it; classes, reunions, rehearsals, all sorts of things. This hasn't stopped John and I from working like crazy people on this record. Last Friday, we had a relatively epic 7-hour session on campus. We started out with the harpsichord; the music department chair was gracious enough to trust me with the instrument, and what an instrument it is. It's painted beautifully inside and out, and the sound was just incredible. It was originally going to be on two tracks, Rather Be a Fish and Better Brain, but then John had the idea of running it through a distortion effect in Logic. It then swiftly replaced every electric guitar that was planned on the album. I think it's particularly nifty that we went 18th century to make a decidedly 20th century sound. Here's a snippet of Time Machine, a track where the distortion really worked well. [audio:|titles=TimeMachineDemo] And also for fun, here's a snippet of Rather Be a Fish, with the un-distorted harpsi. [audio:|titles=FishDemo] After that, we had three supremely talented string playing friends (or friends of friends, as the case may be) come in and lay down tracks on Better Brain and Time Machine. The day ended with a supremely satisfying flute session by a dear, dear friend of mine, and finally, a sing-along of as many of my close friends as could make it; both on the song If I. We're heading into the home stretch now- only vocals and guitars (and possibly a banjo on one track, here's to hoping) are left. Six months ago, I would have never thought that things would turn out as well as they have been. I didn't think I knew the right people to play, the right places to do this, the right equipment to have. Everything's been coming together in a big way, and I really couldn't be more excited.

2 Replies to “Postcard From the Studio #3: Going for Baroque”

  1. I’m loving the sound of both! Granted, I slightly favor that chord progression and harpsi overlay on Fish…. But that’s only because I think I may have an intense aural harpsichord fetish… Also: So glad you have a .com place on the interblogz now! Congrats!

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