Hey there, It's been an unconscionably long time once again.  Life took over in a big way - graduating college, trying to figure out just what it is I want to do with my life, y'know, that sort of thing.  But now that that hurdle has been decidedly surmounted, it's time to bring this site up to date and speed with the things I've been doing to keep myself distracted from the fact that I'm unemployed. First off, my album has not been shelved indefinitely - I heard a new mix of Better Brain done by John about two weeks ago, and so things will be rolling along quite quickly, I believe.  Plus, there is a murmer in the air of doing a video for Rather Be a Fish perhaps in August, so that should be rather exciting. I'm also scoring a film right now - it's called Not A Cappuccino, and it's the brainchild of Erick Hayden and Rachel Marquez, two brilliant people who are currently in the process of relocating to London.  More information can be found here:  www.notacappuccino.com/index.html And finally, I have a new blog myself!  It's half for my own education, and half for entertainment.  Based off a night in which I heard Rossini's "Largo Al Factotum" played during a commercial for Jersey Shore, I decided that it was extremely important to have a place where people can learn about classical music they hear in movies, TV and commercials.  You can find it at wheredihearthat.blogspot.com ! So yes - I'm trying to keep myself as busy as possible without going off the deep end.  So far, so good.

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