If you've managed to stumble upon this li'l website here, it means that you're a member of a small, but incredibly special group; that is, People Who Care About This Album. A few months ago, I'd managed to write a dozen or so songs that I wasn't completely embarrassed by, and thought the time had come to commit them to tape in a big way. I enlisted my good friend John, and, armed with knowledge (on his part) and a vague idea of how to proceed, we started to go about recording this beast. Because the piano is my main instrument, we figured it would make sense to get that done first. We quickly realized that pianos, by nature, are incredibly grumpy instruments. Each one is unique, and even if you use the same piano, there's a very large chance you won't get the same sound from one day to the next. However, we were able to get the vast majority of everything done in time and with a minimum of heartache. Here's a sample of a song, Mighty Fine, that is going to be the lead track off the album. [audio:http://jonfullermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/MightyFinePiano.mp3|titles=MightyFinePiano] Next: We enter the world of electricity in a basement, with a bass.

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