I haven't been doing an awful lot of work on the album in the past, oh, three months or so- life got in the way in a big way for both me and John, and so it's been put on the back burner for a little while. This coming week may yet see a resurgence in recording, depending on schedules. Here's to hoping! Anyhow, I have gotten a few people asking me how things are going, and I realize that we are quite a bit further along in the process than this site is currently giving credit for. With that in mind, I went through a few demos (rough vocals and all), and made a few clips just to show where we've come from and what we're aiming for. First up is Time Machine. Last I posted, it was a fun hot mess, with all sorts of loud sounds going on. Since then, we've added strings, a synth bass and whooshing synth pad in the background and generally cleaned things up. Here's 30 seconds or so of that: [audio:http://jonfullermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/TimeMachineDemo2.mp3|titles=TimeMachineDemo] Next up, we have Rather Be a Fish. During the process, this song quickly rose to the coveted 'favorite' spot in both John's and my estimations, so we've been (a little unfairly, I must admit) pretty devoted to this track. Vocals, both of the lead and background variety have been added in, as have acoustic guitars. [audio:http://jonfullermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/FishDemo2.mp3|titles=FishDemo] And finally, a track not getting nearly enough love; Mighty Fine. This is the aforementioned 'sleazy jazz' number, and as such, it sticks out quite a bit on the album. It will be released in some form or another- I like it too much to abandon it entirely- but it may not make it to the full-length. You never know with these things, though, so I'll never say never. [audio:http://jonfullermusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/MightyFineDemo.mp3|titles=MightyFineDemo] And there you have it. Three nearly-complete songs. It's been a road, and there's still plenty of work to be done. I'm excited to get down and dirty with these songs again, though.

2 Replies to “Postcard From the Studio #4: Checking In”

  1. YOU’RE SO SEXY!!!! OH MY GOD WHY DIDN’T I KNOW ABOUT THIS!!?!? i’ve beeen waaaaaiiting to hear your new music but noooooo i had to RESEARCH on youtube and find videos with a little link!!! hahah.

    Anyways, this is INCREDIBLE. Can’t wait to hear all the final versions put together 😀


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